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Ingatestone Pedallers

Ingatestone Pedallers

Click here to see the IP’s programme for 2023

Click here for the Brentwood Cycle Map.

Ingatestone Pedallers Social Cycling Group are a Cycling UK affiliated group.

We undertake rides at least monthly, between March and December, all starting at Market Place, Ingatestone, Essex.  These vary in length from between 10 to 30 miles.  We also undertake several walks each year, also usually starting at Market Place, Ingatestone.  Many of our rides are themed around local history and landscapes and therefore we are not adverse to a stop or two!

Since 2020 we have been affiliated to Cycling UK and have also been involved producing ride maps based on our routes with the assistance of funding from Essex County Council Sustainable Transport.  We have also taken part in cycling campaigning (Bike Week etc.) and undertaken litter picks in the local area to encourage the responsible use of the countryside and aid the tourism industry locally.  Ingatestone has a mainline railway station, easily accessible from London Liverpool Street and from East Anglia generally.  Since Le Tour de France passed through this part of Essex in 2014 we have seen a large increase in cycling locally.

Information about the group rides 

The rides are advertised by emailing list and locally in the media, riders varying up to some 20 members. We have a small annual membership fee or a nominal sum for each ride. We try to factor in a stop at a local cafe of which there are a number in the area, another attraction of this part of Essex with cyclists. Several members also ride off-road and there are a number of nice rides on bridleways nearby and other routes accessible from here taking cycles in vehicles or by train (we have cycled around parts of the Essex coast).


Mary George Reservoir Circle Ride

Writtle Forest Circular Ride

William Byrd Fantasia Ride

JA Baker Loop Ride

Edward Thomas Shellow Ride



Phone: 07910679379


Elim Sunday School

Elim Sunday School

Good News Gang is the name for our Sunday children’s work which takes place during the service on all bar the 3rd Sunday in our activity hall.

We provide a fun filled session of games, craft and Bible teaching and the children also enjoy a drink and snack.

New children need to be registered with the team on their first visit and so we ask parents to bring their children into the hall to complete the relevant forms. We gather this data for the purposes of safeguarding, medical needs and being able to contact parents/carers either during the service or mid-week if the need arises.



Phone: 01277 350805


Young Expressions

Young Expressions

The group was founded in 1995 as an off-shoot of IMOG. Formerly known as Ingatestone Musical and Operetta Youth Group (IMOYG) the name was changed to Young Expressions in 1996 following a comment made by a reviewer who suggested finding a “snappier” name.

The group is for children between the ages of 8 and 14 and we meet weekly on Sunday morning at 10.00 – 13.00 from September to November and 10.00 – 12.00 from January to June. Everyone in the group has a great time and lots of fun as we rehearse for shows with the aim of creating memorable stage performances for the people of Ingatestone and the surrounding areas.

The group is run and managed by a committee of parents who give their time to make sure this unique group and opportunity is available for our children. We bring in people to direct and produce the shows and, although we are not a drama school, our cast members learn from these people and from each other.

The whole idea of Young Expressions is for cast members to have fun and the chance to do something different, although it does help with confidence.

We are always keen to recruit new members and maintain a waiting list for anyone interested in joining. If you would like to join us, or know someone who would, please contact us using the link below. The current cast and committee look forward to welcoming you to the happy band that is Young Expressions.



Phone: 01277 350823
