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Report Fly Tipping

Report Fly Tipping


Fly-tipping or the unauthorised dumping of waste is an environmental crime.

Every day in the Brentwood area there are on average 3 fly-tips. They are usually carried out in the quiet rural areas and can vary from 200+ tyres to a tipper-load of builders’ rubble.

As well as being a blight on the environment it costs Brentwood ratepayers in excess of £50,000 per annum for collection and disposal. The Council is introducing fixed penalty notices in addition to our existing powers of prosecution to provide additional means of enforcement for less serious offences including litter and flytipping.

The most important rule to remember is not to approach anybody flytipping. The flytippers are carrying out an illegal act and may become violent.

Note the following:

  • Date and time (What time did the offence commence? How long did the fly-tip take?)
  • Location of the fly-tip.
  • Details of the fly-tippers (What they looked like. Did you recognise them?)
  • Description of the vehicle (Make, colour and registration)
  • What was your location when viewing the fly-tip? (How far away and could you see clearly)
  • What was dumped? (Do not touch the waste and do not remove any evidence)
  • How much was dumped?
  • What was the weather like? (Clear, cloudy, sunny or dark)
  • Anyone else with you?
  • Note as many of the details as you can and contact Brentwood Borough Council.

Please supply the above details, even if you don’t wish to act as a witness. Anonymous messages can be left on the Council’s hotline. If someone is found guilty of fly-tipping they could face imprisonment or a fine of up to £50,000.


Phone: 01277 312 500


Town Hall, Ingrave Road


CM15 8AY

Report a Highways Matter (potholes, streetlights etc)

Report a Highways Matter (potholes, streetlights etc)

Tell us about road or highway issues

We carry out regular inspections of roads and pavements on our network, but we know that issues may come up between these inspections. These could be potholes or other road surface issues, damaged streetlights, overgrown trees or missing lit bollards.

You can tell us about maintenance issues online by using our highways reporting tool.

If you think there’s a risk to public safety, do not report it online, please call us immediately on 0345 603 7631 or if you have hearing problems you can use our text phone service on 0345 758 5592.

Issues we don’t look after

You need to contact:

Track an existing issue

You can use track it to check if we already know about an issue or track the progress of an issue you’ve told us about.

Tell us about an issue

Please search for the type of issue you want to report or use the categories below. If you need help, please see the ‘How to use Tell us and Track it‘ guide


Phone: 0345 603 7631
