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Ingatestone and Fryerning Community Club

Ingatestone and Fryerning Community Club

We are a warm, cosy and nicely decorated community centre used by various social groups. The facilities at the ‘Community Centre’ are available to both local residents and groups with members from across Essex.

We are located at 7 High Street, Ingatestone, Essex and if you wish to enquire about hiring the hall, please ring 01277 352064.



Phone: 01277 352064


7 High Street




Ingatestone Choral Society

Ingatestone Choral Society

Established in 1948, Ingatestone Choral Society are a group of about thirty mixed voice singers who meet every Wednesday evening at 8 pm in the United Reformed Church Hall (opposite the Post Office in Ingatestone High Street. We are a very friendly group, and you will be given a warm welcome.

The ICS is a non-auditioning ensemble so please do come along and ‘give it a go’. You will be warmly welcomed. Do explore our website to find out more about our Choir. We look forward to seeing you very soon

New members are always welcome



Phone: 07767 380874


Ingatestone & District Camera Club

Ingatestone & District Camera Club

The Ingatestone & District Camera Club was founded in 1953, under the guidance of Mr. Pollard, an Ingatestone chemist. In forming the Club he was assisted by Bernie Back, Ken Rodgers and Ron Goose. The first set of Club rules were formulated by Mr. Pollard.

The Ingatestone & District Camera Club meets every Friday from September to May, at 7.45pm at Seymour Pavilion, New Road, Ingatestone, CM4 0HH. The Annual Exhibition is held in late April when all the awards and trophies are presented to members successful in the various competitions. Besides the Annual Exhibition, the Club also exhibits each year at the Ingatestone & Fryerning Horticultural Show at the Seymour Field. In recent years, further exhibitions have been mounted in the St. Edmund & St. Mary Church, on Essex Heritage and environmental issues. In conjunction with the Ingatestone Historical Society, the Club mounted an exhibition of “Ingatestone Then & Now”, where old and new photographs of certain views around the village were displayed side by side for comparison.

Club members enjoy a varied social life with parties during the year, and regular midweek photoshoots during the summer break.

It is not necessary for people contemplating membership of the Club to be proficient in photography, but we trust that by joining, you will progress in the art and craft of picture taking. We are exhibiting a variety of prints from a number of members, some of whom have started to print their digital photos the first time this season. In doing so, we hope that we are able to show the benefits that can be gained by becoming a member of the Ingatestone & District Camera Club.

If you are interested in joining the Club, please take a look at our Program for the season. We look forward to welcoming you to our club.




Ingatestone Bowling Club

Ingatestone Bowling Club

We are an hospitable lawn bowling club, founded in 1912, and always open to new-comers of all ages (14+) and abilities: both men and ladies.

At reasonable prices we offer everything from sociable friendly games with other like-minded local clubs to matches in various competitive leagues for the more ambitious and with qualified coaches on hand to help hone your skills. The choice is entirely yours. Members also have access to all the facilities at the adjoining Community Association including a comfortable bar in which to celebrate wins, forget defeats or simply pass the time of day.

Our bowling green is probably the village’s best-kept secret located, as it is, behind the tennis courts at the back of the Community Association car park in the High Street.

To see if you might like to play bowls with us please phone any of the following contacts:

  • Bernard or Jean Palmer on 01277 525994
  • Reg or Sue Harrington  on 01277 822344
  • Peter or Brenda Dodson on 01277 623144

They will arrange for you to visit the club, meet some of the members over a cup of tea in the pavilion and to try your hand at this fun & fascinating sport. Or just come along to the green on any match day (most Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings and Saturday or Sunday afternoons) in the summer when somebody will be at hand to answer questions.

FREE taster sessions are run every Sunday morning (10am – 12noon) in May. No equipment is needed as we supply everything: all we ask is that you wear flat-soled shoes or trainers.



Phone: 01277 525994
