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Save money with the Essex Energy Switch

Save money with the Essex Energy Switch

Save over £250 on your gas and electric bills by joining the Essex Energy Switch. With the costs of heating our homes over winter appearing to rise every year, the Essex Energy Switch is a free, easy and secure way to cut energy bills. The county’s collective...

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Christmas trees on Ingatestone High Street

Christmas trees on Ingatestone High Street

Ingatestone and Fryerning Parish Council (IFPC) has announced that it will be funding Christmas trees on Ingatestone High Street this year.   In a pilot scheme, IFPC will pay for Christmas trees for High Street businesses that have existing electric sockets and...

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A12 junction 13 Ingatestone

A12 junction 13 Ingatestone

A message from Highways England A12 junction 13 Ingatestone I am writing to provide you with details about maintenance work we will soon be carrying out to the A12 junction 13 southbound exit slip road at Ingatestone, to the south west of Chelmsford. This scheme forms...

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2017 Village Litter Pick Day Poster Competition

2017 Village Litter Pick Day Poster Competition

Ingatestone & Fryerning Parish Council (IFPC) are organising another Village Litter Pick Day with the help of Ingatestone & Fryerning Community Centre and if you are 11 and under, we need YOU to promote the event!   We need a bright and colourful poster, A4 in...

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Anti-social behaviour in Ingatestone

Anti-social behaviour in Ingatestone

The parish council is aware of the recent spate of anti-social and threatening behaviour occuring in Ingatestone and both the police and Brentwood Borough Counils’ ASB unit have been informed.   The parish council have spoken to the police today following an attempted...

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Beware of bogus Council Workers

Beware of bogus Council Workers

BEWARE OF BOGUS COUNCIL WORKERS We have recently had a couple of incidents in different areas of Essex where Bogus Callers have made out they were from the local council and had come to investigate and remove rats nests in the loft. These bogus callers have then...

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Victim Support are looking for volunteers

Victim Support are looking for volunteers

Make a difference in your local community Victim Support helps people affected by crime feel stronger, understood and able to move forward with their lives. Last year in Essex, our team of trained volunteers and staff supported over 3,000 people affected by crime...

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Wasted GP Appointments

Wasted GP Appointments

Did you know that more than 12,000 GP appointments are wasted every month across mid and south Essex? An estimated 450 hours of GP appointment time per month are going to waste in Basildon and Brentwood alone. The knock on effect of someone missing their appointment...

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