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This section shows all the latest Village News.

Your neighbourhood plan is on its way

 After nearly two years of evidence gathering and analysis, we have commissioned a town planning consultancy (DAC Planning) to assist us in putting a draft together before Christmas. This consultancy has taken plans in other parishes and towns in Essex through the...

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Essential tree works 19/09/19

Essential tree works 19/09/19

Acorn Arb & Forestry have applied for permission to carry out essential tree work scheduled for Thursday 19 September. The work was scheduled to be carried out on the Poplar tree situated along the pedestrian footpath that connects Fairfield to Ingatestone railway...

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IFPC and EALC work in partnership to create guide

IFPC and EALC work in partnership to create guide

IFPC has worked in partnership with The Essex Association for Local Councils (EALC) to create a guide for steps your council/household can take to positively impact the environment. We want to hear from you the initiatives you run in order to benefit the environment....

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IFPC receive update from network provider

IFPC receive update from network provider

As reported in our last newsletter, 71 per cent of the villages’ businesses who responded about ‘infrastructure challenges’ in our Business Questionnaire were most concerned about mobile phone coverage. The parish council believes that the provision of good...

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Creating our housing policies

Creating our housing policies

In the Local Development Plan (LDP) prepared by Brentwood Borough Council, that could become the statutory planning instrument next spring, a site for some 57 housing units has been identified close to the slip road from the A12. In anticipation that this land will no...

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IFPC launch grant awarding policy

IFPC launch grant awarding policy

Does your organisation have a community project in need of funding? IFPC have launched a new grants policy with £500 awarded for each successful application.  The application process is now open and will close on 30 June 2019. For more information and to fill in the...

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Local Plan consultation begins

Local Plan consultation begins

Brentwood Borough Council has published its Pre-Submission Local Development Plan for a six-week consultation until 5pm on Tuesday 19th March 2019. The new Local Plan sets out the Council’s long-term vision for how and where the Borough will develop over the next 15...

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IFPC to publish residents’ questionnaire

IFPC to publish residents’ questionnaire

The Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Committee (NPAC) has been working hard to ensure that the needs of the community can be reached by working on set policies for future application. The main purpose of the plan is to ensure we have an opportunity to describe what is...

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Improving parking in our villages

In 2018, IFPC conducted two surveys for residents and businesses to let you have your say about our villages. Information that we have collected will be analysed to produce our community-led Neighbourhood Plan - our benchmark for future developments. One of the key...

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Parish Council install 100 poppies to commemorate 100 years

Parish Council install 100 poppies to commemorate 100 years

  Ingatestone and Fryerning Parish Council are installing 100 poppies to remember the centenary of the end of World War 1.   Located in Ingatestone and Fryerning, these poppies are to remember those who fought and died in the war to end all wars.   As part of the...

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Parish Council install 100 poppies to commemorate 100 years

  Ingatestone and Fryerning Parish Council are installing 100 poppies to remember the centenary of the end of World War 1.   Located in Ingatestone and Fryerning, these poppies are to remember those who fought and died in the war to end all wars.   As part of the...

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