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Census 2021 will provide a snapshot of modern society

Census 2021 will provide a snapshot of modern society

Households across Brentwood will soon be asked to take part in Census 2021. The census is a once-in-a-decade survey that gives us the most accurate estimate of all the people and households in England and Wales. It has been carried out every decade since 1801, with...

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IFPC sets precept at zero per cent rise for 2021-2022

IFPC sets precept at zero per cent rise for 2021-2022

Ingatestone and Fryerning Parish Council (IFPC)  voted to freeze the precept for the financial year 2021-2022 at £173,839 at its Full Council meeting on 4 February 2021.   Every year parish councils are required to review their budget and set a precept for the...

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An update on your Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood Planning is a new layer of planning which provides communities with the power to establish policies to shape future development of local areas. With over 1,900 areas designated nationally and more than 500 plans approved, they are now part of the...

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IFPC Neighbourhood Plan: Economy

IFPC Neighbourhood Plan: Economy

In this series of short articles we will be taking you through each section of the Neighbourhood Plan to discuss some of the key objectives we have identified across a number of local issues.    Today, we will talk about the objectives the plan sets out to conserve...

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IFPC Neighbourhood Plan: Heritage

IFPC Neighbourhood Plan: Heritage

In this series of short articles we will be taking you through each section of the Neighbourhood Plan to discuss some of the key objectives we have identified across a number of local issues.    Today, we will talk about the objectives the plan sets out to conserve...

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IFPC Neighbourhood Plan: Housing

IFPC Neighbourhood Plan: Housing

In this series of short articles we will be taking you through each section of the Neighbourhood Plan to discuss some of the key objectives we have identified across a number of local issues.    Today, we will talk about the objectives the plan sets out for the...

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Your Neighbourhood Plan is here

Your Neighbourhood Plan is here

Your Neighbourhood Plan has arrived and is available to read. Please follow the link below to read The formal consultation period will run until 31 October 2020. You can...

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Re-opening of the High Street update

Re-opening of the High Street update

Ingatestone and Fryerning Parish Council (IFPC) have been working closely with Brentwood Borough Council on the reopening of the High Street whilst following social distancing guidelines.  Phase 1 is due to commence on the 15 June with non-essential shops opening...

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An urgent appeal for PPE

An urgent appeal for PPE

An urgent appeal has just been launched by Essex County Council for any small business to donate any unused Personal Protective Equipment they may have within their stock. With many small businesses currently closed, the council is appealing for any PPE equipment such...

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NHS set up volunteer responder scheme

NHS set up volunteer responder scheme

The NHS have set up a new scheme to help those who need it most through COVID-19. The NHS Volunteer Responders scheme has been set up to support the NHS during the COVID-19 outbreak. To do this they need volunteers to support the 1.5 million in England who are most at...

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Fairfield play area has been closed

Fairfield play area has been closed

IFPC have today come to the decision to follow government advice and close the play areas at Fairfield. These measures have had to been enforced due to the COVID-19 outbreak.  Please respect the closure of the area for your safety and those around you.

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How to keep busy during isolation

How to keep busy during isolation

Ingatestone and Fryerning Parish Council have collated a list of 'How to keep busy during isolation' tips.  We would like to thank GOV.UK, Mind UK and Age UK who we have sourced this information from. A paper version of this amongst additional information will be...

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Seymour Pavilion coffee morning cancelled

Seymour Pavilion coffee morning cancelled

The Seymour Pavilion coffee morning has been cancelled until the earliest point of April. We will keep you all updated as to when the next coffee morning will be held but April is the starting point of postponement. We hope you can understand why we have had to take...

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