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This section shows all the latest Village News.
IFPC response to new booking system for the recycling centre

IFPC response to new booking system for the recycling centre

IFPC met with Cllr Malcolm Buckley on Thursday 9th February and raised their concerns with the planned booking system for the Mountnessing Recycling Centre.  Minutes of the meeting can be seen via this link. IFC have subsequently formally written to Cllr Buckley about...

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New Recycling Rules by ECC

New Recycling Rules by ECC

IFPC was very surprised to have discovered these new rules for visiting ECC recycling facilities: “From Monday 13 March 2023, residents visiting Essex County Council (ECC) recycling centres will need to book in advance.” We are raising concerns about this change – we...

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Voter ID requirement

Voter ID requirement

From 4 May 2023, voters in England will need to show photo ID to vote at polling stations in some elections. This will apply to: • Local elections • Police and Crime Commissioner elections • UK parliamentary by-elections • Recall petitions From October 2023 it will...

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Who Is Responsible?

Who Is Responsible?

Quite often we are contacted as the first port of call for all manner of parish issues and concerns. So we have put together this list detailing which authority is responsible for what issue. However, if you would like help, please do contact the Parish Council office...

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Local Elections – Become a Councillor

Local Elections – Become a Councillor

Parish Elections are scheduled to take place on Thursday 4 May 2023. IFPC supports the national Make A Change campaign by the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) encouraging residents to stand in the local (parish and town) council elections. The campaign...

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East Anglia GREEN Project Update

East Anglia GREEN Project Update

EAG Project Update Newsletter February 2023 Please find attached above a copy of the latest newsletter from National Grid and the message accompanying it below: "We have reported on the spring 2022 consultation and responded to some of the most frequently raised...

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Streetlights In the Parish

Streetlights In the Parish

IFPC are aware that there are a number of streetlights out in the parish that are maintained by Essex County Council. We are lobbying this with Cllr Lesley Wagland of ECC to draw more attention to this issue, as this is a growing concern for us and our residents -...

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Rewilding the Churchyard – Progress

Rewilding the Churchyard – Progress

Yesterday, cllrs Winter and Marston met with representatives from RHS, St. Mary and St. Edmund Church and Allotment Society, as well as students and teachers from the Anglo European school and volunteers to mark the start of the Rewilding the Churchyard project, led...

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VitaMinds – LTC Courses

VitaMinds – LTC Courses

In 2023, VitaMinds are running some bespoke LTC courses to help their patients receive holistic care to improve their quality of life and self-management of their LTC. The courses are: Living Well with Diabetes (type 1 and 2) Living Well with Respiratory Conditions...

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VitaMinds – Talking Therapies Service

VitaMinds – Talking Therapies Service

WHAT IS VITAMINDS? VitaMinds is your local NHS talking therapies service, known as IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies). It is a free service. If you are suffering from: - excessive worry - low mood - depression - anxiety - panic - trauma - phobias - a...

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Good News! New Road Parking To Be Improved

Good News! New Road Parking To Be Improved

FANTASTIC NEWS! After two years of tireless lobbying with Essex County Council's Highways panel, IFPC is delighted to announce the upcoming improvement of parking facilities along the New Road (near Seymour field). PLEASE NOTE: the closure of New Road is due to...

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Civic Stars of Brentwood Awards

Civic Stars of Brentwood Awards

The awards are an opportunity to officially recognise the commitment and hard work of the most deserving people in the Borough while honouring the efforts and achievements of local people and organisations who have strived to make Brentwood a better place to live and...

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The Essex Food Waste Pledge

The Essex Food Waste Pledge

ESSEX CLIMATE ACTION COMMISSION - THE ESSEX FOOD WASTE PLEDGE Love Essex has launched its 2023 flagship ‘Love Essex, Love Food’ campaign in a bid to reduce food waste in the county. In Essex, food waste currently makes up roughly 25% of the waste found in the general...

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