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The parish council’s Climate Emergency Working Group has been exploring sites for a community garden in the parish for our residents to enjoy. We are aware that some residents do not have private gardens or the space to grow plants or vegetables etc. 

Finding available sites has not been easy, however we became aware of a plot next to the footpath leading from Fairfield to the railway station.

Unfortunately in recent years this area has suffered from the fly tipping of garden waste. On Sunday 18 April the first working party morning took place where members of the group met and cleared the litter and began the process of tidying up the area. The aim is to create a woodland garden which will include benches and a litter bin. There is the possibility of including a raised flower bed. It is hoped to develop the site into an area where residents can sit and relax.

We would like to thank Brentwood Borough Council and Livewell for the awarding of £2940 through the Brentwood Mental Health Small Grant Scheme, which will allow the working group to implement their ideas further. 

The next working group morning has been announced for Sunday 19 September to be held at the footpath towards the station from Fairfield. If you would be interested in helping out please bring garden tools, gloves, waste bags etc. If you would like to travel by car then please park in the Bell Mead car park.