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50th Celebration Event – 21st June 2024 from 4-8pm

Anglo is inviting ex-students, ex-staff, ex-parents and anyone who has been part of the Anglo Family to join the school for a celebration evening, where there will be exhibits of historical artefacts, which have been stored in the Essex Record Office, and other historical exhibits of the local area from one of ex-students, and friends to the school, Robert Fletcher.  The school is also hoping to put together a memory wall of all the visits that students have taken part in – so, if you were a student and remember going on a school visit or exchange, have a rummage through the loft and see if you can find some photos to share.  These can be emailed in and the school will get them printed.  Please email if you would like to attend this event.

50th Legacy Project

A few years ago, Upper Sixth students interviewed members of the community with the intention of creating a book for each one. Their aim was to put together an oral history of Ingatestone and learn about the lives of older people in the village.

However, just as the project was getting off the ground, the Covid pandemic struck and prevented the school from completing this project. In 2024, it was picked up again by a new group of students who completed the book about four of the older participants.

The book “AES – Community Project Spanning the Generations” has now been published and some copies will be displayed during the Open Day on 21 June. The project was funded by IFPC with the intention to display the books in Ingatestone Museum when it opens its doors.